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Measurement of Anisotropy field

Spin and Charge Transport








6. Explaination video




Experiment. Measurement of anisotropy field

MMM 2020 conference
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My presentation on this topic no MMM 2020 conference











Experiment. Measurement of anisotropy field

External magnetic field is applied along current

External magnetic field is perpendicularly to current

Measurement of the anisotropy field of a magnetic nanowire. The green balls shows the magnetization direction of FeB nanomagnet, the blue arrow shows direction of external magnetic field. The FeB nanomagnet is fabricated on top of Ta nanowire. The magnetization direction is measured by a pair of Hall probe. The measured Hall voltage is largest when the magnetization is perpendicular to the top surface of nanomagnet

Without an external magnetic, the magnetization M is perpendicular to the film due to PMA. When external in-plane magnetic field H|| is applied, the magnetization turns towards the H||. The magnetic field, at which the magnetization turns fully in-plane is called the anisotropy field. The stronger PMA is and the stronger the PMA resists to the magnetization turning, the lager and the anisotropy filed is. Therefore, the anisotropy field is measure of the strength of the PMA.
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Measurement of anisotropy field Hanis

Measured in-plane magnetization as a function of applied in-plane magnetic field. The arrow shows the direction and magnitude of the applied in-plane magnetic field. The ball shows the magnetization direction. Without magnetic field the magnetization is perpendicularly-to-plane. Under magnetic field, the magnetization turns toward magnetic field. The field, at which the magnetization turns completely in-plane, is called the anisotropy field. The dots of the right graph shows experimental data. Measurement date: May 2018.
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measurement of Anisotropy field.

Conference presentation. MMM 2020
























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