My Research and Inventions

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v.zayets (at symbol)




  • "Bistable laser diode device based on non-reciprocal optical amplifier and fabrication method", V. Zayets and K. Ando, Japanese Patent 3829173.
  • "Growth method of thin films", V. Zayets and K. Ando, Japanese Patent 3972090.
  • "Laser diode with magnetic tunnel junction, non- volatile optical memory element, optical memory device using the same and operational method", V. Zayets Japanese Patent 4096100.
  • " Magneto-optical waveguide, polarizing rotor, optical isolator and their manufacturing method" V. Zayets and K. Ando, Japanese Published Patent Application 2005-315993.
  • " High speed nonvolatile optical memory element using photoinduction magnetization inversion, and its operation method" V. Zayets, Japanese Published Patent Application 2006-018964; "Non-volatile optical memory element utilizing optically induced magnetization reversal and operation method thereof" V. Zayets, US Patent No. 7171096.
  • "Nonvolatile optical memory device and operating method" V.Zayets and K.Ando, Japanese Patent Application 2008-001970, US application 2008-001970.
    Non-volatile memory element and method of operation therefor" US patent US7936631 B2. Publication Date 3 May 2011.
  • "The method of high-speed data read-out for spin-photon memory utilizing spin injection" Zayets, Saito, Yuasa, Ando, Japanese Patent Application 2009-177145
    "Nonvolatile optical memory element, memory device, and reading method thereof " US patent US8270198 B2, Publication Date 18 Sep 2012.
  • "Optical device using a plasmonic waveguide, and optical isolator" Zayets, Saito, Yuasa, Ando, US patent US 8750666 B2, Publication date: 10 Jun 2014. Japanese Patent Application 2012-150665. Application Date 2012/07/04. Japanese Patent number 2012000528.
  • " Magneto-optical measurement equipment. Magneto-optical measurement method” “光学的測定装置及び光学的測定方法” V. Zayets,T. Nozaki H. Saito, S. Yuasa, Patent application, 2016-126905, 2016; ( in Japanese; in English)
  • "All-metal transistor and its operational method" , “全金属型トランジスタとその方法” V. Zayets,T. Nozaki, A.Fukushima, S. Yuasa, Patent application 2017-226503, H29/06/06 ( figures; in Japanese; in English)
  • "Molecular Recognition sensor utilizing the modulation of the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy" V.Zayets, I. Turkevich, patent application 2019001935. (2019) (text; figures)


Book chapter

V. Zayets and K. Ando, "Magneto-optical devices for optical integrated circuits" in book "Frontiers in Guided Wave Optics and Optoelectronics" ISBN 978-953-7619-82-4, Edited by Bishnu Pal, Publication date: Feb. 2010, pp. 321-342.




  1. V. Zayets. "Modulation of magnetic anisotropy and spin–orbit interaction by electrical current in FeCoB nanomagnets", AIP Advances 15, 015331 (2025). (Open Access)
  2. V. Zayets. "Peculiarities of spin–orbit interaction systematically measured in FeCoB nanomagnets", AIP Advances 14, 075309 (2024). (Open Access).
  3. V. Zayets. "Features and Peculiarities of Gate-Voltage Modulation of Spin-Orbit Interaction in FeCoB Nanomagnets: Insights into the Physical Origins of the VCMA Effect", arXiv:2404.15695 (2024)
  4. V. Zayets. "Peculiarities of spin-orbit interaction systematically measured in FeCoB nanomagnets", arXiv:2312.11056 (2024)
  5. V. Zayets. "Parametric Mechanism of the Magnetization Reversal as a Low- Power Recording Mechanism for MRAM. Measurement of Spin- Accumulation- Induced In-Plane Magnetic Field in a Feb Nanomagnet." Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 589, 171631 (2024); ( SSRN preprint is here)
  6. V. Zayets, I. Serdeha and V. Grygoruk "Fabrication technique for low-loss plasmonic waveguides incorporating both “plasmonic-friendly” and “plasmonic-unfriendly” metals" , Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications, Vol. 57, pp. 101196 (2023); SSRN Preprint is here
  7. V. Zayets, I. Serdeha and V. Grygoruk "Challenges of design and fabrication technology of plasmonic components for Photonic Integrated Circuits (Invited)", SPIE Photonic West (2022).(SPIE library here)
  8. V. Zayets, I. Serdeha and V. Grygoruk "Parametric mechanism of magnetization reversal in FeCoB nanomagnet by a magnetic field of spin- accumulated electrons" arXiv:2111.05438 (2021).
  9. V. Zayets "Measurement of magnetic field induced by spin- accumulated electrons in a FeCoB nanomagnet" IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 1-5, (2022). or arXiv:2111.02857
  10. V. Zayets "Mechanism of parametric pumping of magnetization precession in a nanomagnet. Parametric mechanism of current-induced magnetization reversal." arXiv:2104.13008 (2021) (download pdf from this site)
  11. V. Zayets, A.S. Mishchenko "Hall effect in ferromagnetic nanomagnets: Magnetic field dependence as evidence of inverse spin Hall effect contribution" Phys. Rev. B Rapid Comm. Vol. 102, 100404(R) (2020). ( download pdf , and supplimentfrom this site) or arXiv:2005.06675 (2020.05)
  12. V. Zayets, "Thermally activated magnetization reversal in a FeCoB nanomagnet. High-precision measurement method of coercive field, delta, retention time and size of nucleation domain" arXiv:1908.08435 (2019)
  13. V. Zayets, "Measurements of spin polarization of FeB and FeCoB nanomagnets by the Anomalous Hall effect", arXiv:1902.06451 (2019);
  14. H. Shimizu, V. Zayets, "Plasmonic isolator for photonic integrated circuits" MRS Bulletin 43 (2018) 425–429. ( download pdf here)
  15. V. Zayets, T.Nozaki, H.Saito, A. Fukushima, S.Yuasa"Symmetry and polarity of the voltage-controlled magnetic anisotropy studied by the Anomalous Hall effect", arXiv:1812.07077 ( 2018) or ArXiv Site
  16. V. Zayets, "Spin transport of electrons and holes in a metal and in a semiconductor", Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 445, pp 53–65 (2018) . or arXiv:1703.08020 (2017)
  17. V. Zayets, H. Saito, S. Yuasa, "Photonic integration of plasmonic Magneto-optical waveguide and Si nanowire waveguide", Nanomaterials: Application & Properties (NAP), Proceedings of 2017 IEEE 7th International Conference, pp. 04NESP17-1 - 04NESP17-6 (2017). (download pdf here)
  18. V. Zayets, "High-Speed Non-Volatile Optical Memory: Achievements and Challenges", Electronics 6 (1), 7 (2017); Open access. The Special Issue on Spin Optoelectronics.
  19. A. Kozioł-Rachwał, T. Nozaki, V. Zayets, H. Kubota, A. Fukushima, S. Yuasa and Y. Suzuki, "The effect of the MgO buffer layer thickness on magnetic anisotropy in MgO/Fe/Cr/MgO buffer/MgO(001)" , J. Appl. Phys. 120, 085303 (2016);
  20. T. Nozaki, A. Kozioł-Rachwał, W. Skowroński, V. Zayets, Y.Shiota, S. Tamaru, H. Kubota, A. Fukushima, S. Yuasa, and Y.Suzuki, " Large Voltage-Induced Changes in the Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy of an MgO-Based Tunnel Junction with an Ultrathin Fe Layer" , Phys. Rev. Applied 5, 044006 (2016);
  21. V. Zayets, H. Saito, K. Ando, S. Yuasa , "Long-distance propagation of a surface plasmon on the surface of a ferromagnetic metal," Optics Express 23, 12834-12839 (2015).
  22. T. Kaihara, T. Ando, H. Shimizu, V. Zayets, H.Saito, K. Ando, and S. Yuasa "Enhancement of magneto-optical Kerr effect by surface plasmons in trilayer structure consisting of double-layer dielectrics and ferromagnetic metal" Optics Express, Vol. 23, Issue 9, pp. 11537-11555 (2015);
  23. "A method for reduction of propagation loss of surface plasmons. Experimental demonstration of the loss reduction for Fe/MgO/AlGaAs plasmonic structure integrated with AlGaAs/GaAs optical waveguide", ( arXiv:1501.02554).
  24. V Zayets, "A solution of the Boltzmann transport equations for spin and charge transport in a solid. Spin Proximity effect", arXiv:1410.7511; (2014)
  25. H Tanaka, W M Jadwisienczak, H Saito, V Zayets, S Yuasa and K Ando "Localized sp–d exchange interaction in ferromagnetic Ga1−xMnxAs observed by magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy of L critical points", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 47 (2014) N35, 355001 (clich here to download pdf);
  26. V. Zayets "Spin rotation after a spin-independent scattering. Spin properties of an electron gas in a solid", Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 356 (2014)52–67 (clich here to download pdf); ( .
  27. H. Hosoya, Y. Nagamine, K. Tsunekawa, V. Zayets, and S. Yuasa "Characterization of Ultrathin Fe–Co Layer Grown on Amorphous Co–Fe–B by In situ Reflective High-Energy Electron Diffraction", Appl. Phys. Express 6 063003 (2013);
  28. V. Zayets, H. Saito, S. Yuasa, and K. Ando, "Optical Isolator Utilizing Surface Plasmons" (invited paper), Materials 2012, 5(5), 857-871 (open access);

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  29. V. Zayets, H. Saito, S. Yuasa, and K. Ando, "Enhancement of the transverse non-reciprocal magneto-optical effect", J. Appl. Phys. 111, 023103, 2012;
  30.  K. Ando, H. Saito, and V. Zayets "Anomalous Zeeman splittings of II–VI diluted magnetic semiconductors at L-critical points" J. Appl. Phys. 109, 07C304 (2011);
  31. V. Zayets, H. Saito, S. Yuasa, and K. Ando, " Magneto-optics in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors and in Ferromagnetic-Metal/Semiconductor Hybrids (invited)", Proceedings of Material Research Society, 2011.03
  32. V.Zayets, "Utilizing spin in new optical devices", 第280回研究会資料  Vol. 280, pp 1-6
  33. V. Zayets, H. Saito, S. Yuasa and K. Ando, "Magnetization-dependent loss in (Al,Ga)As Optical Waveguide with a Embedded Fe micromagnet" Optics Letters Vol. 35, pp. 931-933 ,2010.
  34. H. Saito, J. C. Le Breton, V. Zayets, Y. Mineno,S. Yuasa, and K. Ando "Efficient spin injection into semiconductor from an Fe/GaOx tunnel injector" Applied Physics Letters 96, 012501, 2010.
  35. V. Zayets and K. Ando, "High- speed switching of spin polarization for proposed spin-photon memory" Applied Physics Letter, vol. 94, pp. 121104, 2009.
  36. H. Saito, J. C. Le Breton, V. Zayets, S. Yuasa, and K. Ando " Highly Enhanced Electron-Injection Efficiency in GaAs-Based Light-Emitting Diodes Using a Fe/GaOx Tunnel Injector" Applied Physics Express vol. 2 , pp. 083003, 2009
  37. K. Ando, H. Saito, M.C. Debnath, V. Zayets, and A. K. Bhattacharjee " Zeeman splittings near the L point of the Brillouin zone in zinc-blende semiconductors" , Phys. Rev. B. 77, pp. 125123, 2008.
  38. K. Ando, H. Saito, M.C. Debnath, V. Zayets, and A. K. Bhattacharjee " Zeeman splittings near the L point of the Brillouin zone in zinc-blende semiconductors" , Reply, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, pp. 069702, 2009.
  39. K. Ando, H. Saito, K.C. Agarwal, M.C. Debnath, and V. Zayets "Origin of the Anomalous Magnetic Circular Dichroism Spectral Shape in Ferromagnetic Ga1-xMnxAs: Impurity Bands inside the Band Gap" Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, pp. 067204, 2008.
  40. M. C. Debnath, V. Zayets, and K. Ando," (Cd,Mn)Te/(Cd,Zn)Te quantum-well waveguide optical isolator with wide wavelength operational bandwidth" Appl. Phys. Lett., 91, 043502-1 (2007).
  41. M. C. Debnath, V. Zayets, and K. Ando "Complete magneto-optical TE-TM mode conversion in Cd1-xMnxTe waveguide for integrated optical isolator" , Phys. Stat. Sol. (c), 3, 1164 (2006).
  42. V. Zayets and K. Ando "Isolation Effect in Ferromagnetic-Metal/Semiconductor Hybrid Optical Waveguide", Applied Physics Letter, vol. 86, pp. 261105, 2005.
  43. M. C. Debnath, V. Zayets, and K. Ando "Thermal annealing of magneto-optical (Cd,Mn)Te waveguide for optical isolator with wider operation wavelength range" , Applied Physics Letter, 87, 091112 (2005).
  44. V. Zayets, M. Debnath, and K. Ando,"Optical isolation in Cd 1-xMnxTe magneto-optical waveguide grown on GaAs substrate", Journal of Optical Society of America B, vol. 22, pp.281-285, 2005.
  45. V. Zayets, M. Debnath, and K. Ando "Complete magneto-optical waveguide mode conversion in Cd 1-xMnxTe waveguide on GaAs substrate", Applied Physics Letter, vol. 84, pp.565-567, 2004.
  46. M. Debnath, V. Zayets, and K. Ando," Enhancement of magneto-optical transverse electric-transverse magnetic mode conversion efficiency of (Cd,Mn)Te waveguide by graded-index clad layers", Journal of Applied Physics vol. 95, pp. 7181-7183, 2004.
  47. K. Ando, H. Saito, V. Zayets and M. C. Debnath " Optical properties and functions of diluted magnetic semiconductors", Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, Vol. 16  pp. S5541  -  S5548, 2004.
  48. M. Debnath, V. Zayets, and K. Ando " Highly efficient (Cd,Mn)Te waveguide for integrated magneto-optical isolator ", Transactions of the Magnetic Society of Japan, vol. 4-2, pp.339-343, 2004.
  49. H. Saito, V. Zayets, S. Yamagata , and K. Ando "Room-temperature ferromagnetism in II-VI diluted magnetic semiconductor Zn1-xCrxTe", Physical Review Letters, vol. 90, pp. 207202(1-4), 2003.
  50. H. Saito, V. Zayets, S. Yamagata, and K. Ando "Room-temperature ferromagnetism in high Cr-doped II-VI diluted magnetic semiconductor Zn1-xCrxTe", Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 93, pp. 6796-6798, 2003.

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  51. V. Zayets, R. Akimoto, H. Saito, and K. Ando, "Diluted magnetic semiconductors for magneto-optical applications", Transactions of the Magnetic Society of Japan, vol. 2-4, pp.131-135, 2002 (Invited Review Paper).
  52. V. Zayets and K. Ando "Amorphous Zn predeposition for growth of low-defect-density CdTe films and low- optical- loss Cd1-xMnxTe magneto-optic waveguide on GaAs substrate", Journal of Crystal Growth, vol. 237-239 Part 2, pp. 1554-1558, 2002.
  53. V. Zayets, H. Saito, and K. Ando "Growth and properties of new III-V diluted magnetic semiconductor Ga1-xCrxAs" , Journal of Crystal Growth, vol. 237-239 Part 2, pp.1339-1343, 2002.
  54. H. Saito, V. Zayets, S. Yamagata, and K. Ando "Magneto-optical studies of ferromagnetism in the II-VI diluted magnetic semiconductor Zn1-xCrxTe", Physical Review B, vol. 66, pp. 081201(1- 4), 2002.
  55. H. Saito, V. Zayets, , S.Yamagata ,Y. Suzuki, and K. Ando "Ferromagnetism in II-VI diluted magnetic semiconductor (Zn,Cr)Te", Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 91, pp.8085-8087, 2002.
  56. V. Zayets, and K. Ando, "Magnetically Programmable Bistable Laser Diode With Ferromagnetic Layer", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 13, pp.185-187, 2001.
  57. H. Saito, V. Zayets, R. Akimoto, and K. Ando, Y.Mishima, M.Tanaka "Magnetic and transport properties of III-V diluted magnetic semiconductor (Ga,Cr)As" , Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 89, pp.7392-7396, 2001.
  58. V. Zayets, and K. Ando"Magneto-optical mode conversion in Cd1-xMnxTe waveguide on GaAs substrate", , Applied Physics Letters, vol. 77, pp.1593-1595, 2000.
  59. W. Zaets and K. Ando "Optical waveguide isolator based on non-reciprocal loss/ gain of amplifier covered by ferromagnetic layer", , IEEE Photonics Technology Letters vol. 11, pp. 1012-1014, August 1999.
  60. W. Zaets, K.Watanabe, and K. Ando "Cd1-xMnxTe magnetooptical waveguide integrated on GaAs substrate", , Applied Physics Letters vol. 70, pp. 2508-2510, 1997.

    " Wave analysis of quasi-tm/te modes in magnetooptic wave-guides" Zaets V.I., Gayday Y., Solomko A., Optika i spektroskopiya vol. 77, pp. 79-84, 1994.
    "Optical waveguide mode of gyroanisotropical planar waveguide" A. Solomko, W. Zaets, O. Kolokoltsev, Optika i spektroskopiya vol. 71 n6, pp.1079-1083. 1991.

    "Magneto-Optical effects and electrical resistivity of La0.8-xBixSr0.2MnO3 films" Y.Yokoyama, K.Ando, M.Umeda, W.Zaets, N.Hirano, I.Solovyev, and Y.Suzuki, Journal of Physics IV France 7, C1-643, 1997.
    "CdxMnxTe magneto-optical waveguide for monolithical integration of optical isolator into optoelectronics curcuits" V. Zayets in "Magneto-Optical Materials for Photonics and Recordings" edited by K. Ando, W. Challenener, R. Gambino, M. Levy, MRS Symposium Proceedings, pp. 153-162, 2005.
    "Hybrid Semiconductor-Ferromagnetic" V. Zayets and K. Ando in "Magneto-Optical Materials for Photonics and Recordings" edited by K. Ando, W. Challenener, R. Gambino, M. Levy, MRS Symposium Proceedings, pp. 163-169, 2005.
    Ando, H. Saito, V. Zayets and M. C. Debnath "  Dilute magnetic semiconductor: New material development and problem. ", Materia (Japan) Vol. 43,  No. 6, pp.  480  -  484, 2004.




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