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Optical evaluation of Si nanowire waveguides.

Fiber-waveguide-fiber coupling


It is very simple and fast-to-measure setup technology. From installing a sample to the first waveguide measurements takes 10-20 min. 30-50 waveguides can be measured per a day.

Merits of this setup are:

- short time for alignment (10-15 min is to align a new sample)

-reliability (after removal of sample, re installing, re alignment and re measure, the difference in measured fiber-waveguide-fiber transmission is better than 0.2-0.1 dB)

- simplicity (a student or technician can easily can do the alignment and measurements)

Alignment steps:

Fiber-to-waveguide coupling experiment

click on image to enlarge it

both sides fibers

backside camera

Images from both cameras should be monitored simultaneously


1) alignment of input fiber with backside camera

2) alignment of output fiber.






















Step 1. Alignment of input fiber with backside camera



Alignment of input fiber with backside camera

click on image to enlarge it
The focus and position of backside camera is adjusted by light spot at edge of waveguides.


The cleaved edge













Alignment of height of input fiber

click on image to enlarge it

input fiber is below waveguide

input fiber is above waveguide

input fiber at correct position



It is to align height of input fiber with camera

When the input fiber is below the waveguide, light propagates through the Si. There is no light in air.


When the input fiber is above the waveguide, a light of light can seen in air.










Sensitivity of the alignment to fiber position (video)

Sensitivity of the alignment to fiber position (video)

click on image to play

input fiber moves along thickness

input fiber moves along edge

scanning distance 4 um

Note: at first the fiber is moved 2 um above Si waveguide next it is moved 2 um below the waveguide

another video is here z scan 1.mp4

scanning distance 4 um,

Note: at first the fiber is moved 2 um to right from the Si waveguide next it is moved 2 um left from the waveguide

another video is here


y scan 1.mp4

note: fiber-to-fiber coupling loss is 26 dB (Si nanowire waveguide with stitching problem)










Q. Width of Si nanowire waveguides is 450 nm, which is about or smaller that wavelength of visible light. How it is possible to see Si nanowire waveguide in a visible CCD camera?

A. Even the spot-size converter, which width is 100-150 nm, can see in a visible CCD camera very clearly. It is not waveguide itself we see in the camera, but the light reflection from sharp edge of the waveguide. Even in case of a very narrow waveguide the reflection is substantial.

To see the reflection from an edge of waveguide, it is necessary to adjust the angle of the top light illumination. Such adjustment should be done after each new sample installation.






Step 2. Alignment of output fiber




Alignment of output fiber by computer

Fiber aligned from right side

Fiber aligned from left side













How to adjust focus of each lens fiber

See demonstration video here adjustingFocus.mp4

When positions of both fibers are adjusted, move the fiber forward/backward toward the waveguide. At the same time , monitor the fiber-to-fiber coupling efficiency in real time.

You need to find the maximum of the fiber-to-fiber coupling efficiency.

In case when distance to film changes substantially, you need to re- scan the y- and z- positions of fiber again.


Controlling software to download


Visual Basic 6 Control program (click to download)


LabView control program (click to download)



Fiber-to-fiber calibration should be performed time to time

click on image to enlarge it













Used instruments. Click to expand.


IR camera

click on image to enlarge it










Balanced detector

2x2 switch  


























I truly appreciate your comments, feedbacks and questions

I will try to answer your questions as soon as possible


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